APP (Anti-Poverty Program)

APP (Anti-Poverty Program)

"Dare we speak of hope? Only if we dare to be outraged at injustice and humiliation, at the assault on the creation of God, the dignity of God's children, and in that assault the assault on the worthiness of God. We dare speak of hope only if we have the courage to stand where God stands, to share in God's choice for the poor and lowly....It is Jesus' mission in which we are called, by grace, to participate. Jesus is the center of our faith, of our longings for justice, and of our struggles for justice."  -  Allan Boesak (excerpt from "Dare We Speak of Hope")

We join Jesus' mission in tackling poverty throughout the Greater Houston Area. With so many of our brothers and sisters dealing with homelessness, unemployment, underemployment, low wages, hunger, abject housing conditions, and displacement, we are on a mission to offer services, resources, counseling and collaboration to mitigate the rising tide of hopelessness we see in our community. We endeavor to be the hands and feet of Christ, and this is how we make a sustainable impact. 

Our Key Focus Areas include: 

  • Child Care
  • Employment
  • Food
  • Housing
  • Education
  • Access (healthcare, technology, resources)
For You Church