All Members of For You Church are asked to participate in the Corporate Fast, which is a 21-Day Daniel Fast. This fast is based on Daniel 1:12 "...Let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink."
The Fast begins at 12:01a on Thursday, January 2, 2025 and ends at 11:59p on Thursday, January 23, 2025.
The Fast has three main components: 1) Consecrating your flesh to truly hear the voice of God and purify your mind, body, and spirit as you start a new year. 2) To deliberately and intentionally make prayer (communicating with God) a top priority for you and your family. 3) Reading, meditating and reflecting upon the Bible. This fast will set the tone and the pace for your entire year as you seek God’s presence and power in every area of your life. If you want to experience ELEVATED GRACE in 2025, start by making this effort to seek the presence of the Lord!
Participants in the Daniel Fast are to abstain from all man made processed foods. This fast consists, for the most part, of a vegetarian diet with an emphasis on fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, sprouted grains, and water. Your main objective is to eat foods as close to the natural way God made them. All “party foods” and “junk foods” are prohibited during this fast.
Additional Guidelines:
Plenty of Pure Water: very important!
Fruits: apples, oranges, pears, grapes, dates, raisins, mangoes, bananas, dried fruit, and many other natural fruits.
Natural Fruit Juices: All kinds of natural fruit juices are good; unfiltered apple juice is the best
Vegetables: green leafy lettuces, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, squashes, root vegetables, green beans, tomatoes, and other natural vegetables.
Whole Grain Products: noodles, pasta made with whole wheat or spinach, barley, natural brown rice, and wild rice.
Cereal: oatmeal, cream of wheat, whole grain rice cakes, granola, and whole wheat crackers.
Unrefined Sugars: (Use sparingly) honey, fruit juice like apple, real maple syrup, dates or molasses on unsweetened cereal.
Nuts: almonds, cashews, peanuts, sunflowers. Do not use these to “stuff” your hunger pang. Use a small handful to quiet the hunger discomfort and raise your energy in a healthy way.
Beans: red beans, pinto beans, lentil beans, black beans, etc.
Seasonings: salt, pepper, tomato sauce, tomato paste, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, olive oil or any oil of good quality. Watch for added sugars and sweeteners in ingredients.
Note: If for medical reasons you must have a protein in your diet, include a protein menu, limited to eggs, fish, chicken, and tofu or soy products. Try to stay away from beef, pork and dairy (cheese).
You should exclude the following from your meal selections:
Meat, Soda, Coffee (caffeinated), Dessert, Candy, Wine/Spirits, Sugar, Bread, Dairy, Eggs, Potato Chips, “Comfort Foods”
Follow the assigned bible reading list for each of the 21 Days of the Fasting period. Read the scriptures, reflect upon them, and journal any ideas, thoughts, emotions, or desires you may have regarding the texts.
The Daniel Fast must be accompanied by prayer. Join us for weekly prayer meetings on the following Thursdays: 1/2, 1/9, and 1/16. All prayer meetings will begin at 7:00PM on Zoom. Link is available on the Events tab on our website.